Tuesday, December 11, 2018

'Princess Bride Analysis\r'

'Heroes be brave, determined, courageous, and selfless heap whop embark on a excursion in order to fulfill a goal for the better good, any heroes go is different. Some heroes struggle dragons to provided the fortification and nigh like Westley steal the princess in order to protect her, Westley goes on a long go where he faces some enemies and ch altoge in that respectnges but, he continues his journey to carry through his genius authorized jazz.In The Princess Bride a figment by William Goldman, the character Westley is a hero because, he experiences all told 6 gives of the heroic warning structure including being send fored to treat, hybridisation threshold, the itinerary of tests, meeting the jockers, sightseer to the pit, and the necessitate. The first stage of the prototypal structure is the call to action, Westley call to action is when he discovers his doomed on target issue water dragon has been kidnapped.Westley jumps into action and was â€Å" sailing like lightning towards the cliffs,”(Goldman 114) in order to dumbfound Buttercups Kidnappers and keep open her. He knows he essential save his professedly recognise or his tone go a musical mode be nonhing so he embarks on his journey to get Buttercup spine so they can be unneurotic, This is cal to action because as curtly as he hears his true love is in sadness he goes to save her immeaditley. other stage of the heroic achetype is intersection pass dog the threshold, which Is what Westley does when he upgrades the Cliffs of Insanity. afterwards reaching the cliffs Westley began to climb up them trailing croup the kidnappers he â€Å" seemed to almost be flying. Already he had snub their lead a coke feet”(Goldman 115). This is crossing the threshold because this is the point in Westleys journey where thither is no turning guts he will each succeed or analyze on his journey. One of the biggest archetypical stages is the road of tests, al l heroes road of tests varies some have many and some have few, in Westleys skid he has octuple tests throughout his journey.After reaching the top of the Cliffs of Insanity where Inigo is waiting for him, Inigo lets Westley catch his breath then(prenominal) â€Å"they affected swords”(Goldman 146) and began their fencing duel that ends up with with Westley tying â€Å"Inigos hands or so a tree and (leaves) him there” (Glodman 152). Wetsley also battles Fezzick in a wrestling match and when Westley wins he leaves Fezzik unconcious, he then goes on to a battle of witts against Vizzini where Westley wins and leaves Vizzini dead(a) on the ground. Througout his journey he faces a couple much tests but he overcomes all and continues with his journey.A major part in a heros journey is their stumble to the nether region, after the trip to the underworld the hero comes thorn stronger, better, and to a greater extent mature; Westleys trip to the underworld is very tra umatic because Westley genuinely dies. Inigo and Fezzik hear the scream that came from the menagerie of stopping point they investigate and they aline â€Å"Westley (lying) dead by the simple machine” (Goldman 286) that killed him, but after a trip to Miracle gook he takes the magical pill and Fezzik finds Westley lively and exclaims â€Å"youre alive!”(Goldman 329).When Westley comes second to keep he has broken watch and is also paralyzed, but that does non stop him and his sidekicks they push on and break into the fortification. A essential part in every heros journey is the archetypal stage where the hero meets his mentor or helper which can be any soundbox who helps along the journey such as a sidekick, during Westleys journey he finds two helpers who some(prenominal) began as his enemies.Westleys two helpers are Inigo and Fezzik they both do any(prenominal) is needed of them but lastly they save Westleys life when he dies, and help him break into the palace and rescue his true love. After they discover Westleys dead body in the Zoo of Death Inigo tells Fezzik â€Å" Come, come along. Bring the body”(Goldman 307) they then take his body to Miracle Max who gives Inigo and Fezzik the magical pill to ferment Westley back to life. Inigo and Fezzik then intellect back with still dead Westley and â€Å"Fezzik had been carrying the corpse the whole way”(Goldman 326).Without Westleys helpers he would have remained dead never to be reunited with his true love. The final Stage in the heros journey is the quest, in Wetleys case this is after he comes back to life and he gets help from Inigo and Fezzik to break in the stronghold to rescue Buttercup from the diabolical Prince Humperdink. After gaining entrance to the castle and finding his true love Buttercup they escape the castle together with Inigo and Fezzik and they were riding â€Å" cardinal great horses[… ] toward (the) Florin stemma”(Goldman356) and lived gayly ever after.This is the quest because his original goal was to save his true love Buttercup and while it all did not go as be after they ended up together and free. In The Princess Bride Westley has all the characteristics of a great hero and he follows the heroic archetypal. He goes to rescue his true love from kindnappers, he climbs the Cliffs of Insanity, he battles the kidnappers, he dies and comes back to life, he has helpers that saved his life and assist him on his quest, he breaks into the castle and rescues his true love Buttercup, and they all live happily ever after.\r\n'

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