Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Miscellaneous Uses of the Spanish Conditional Tense

As a general rule, as explained in our introduction to the Spanish conditional tense, the English would is the equivalent of the Spanish conditional. But there are exceptions. The major ones are listed below: Examples of when the conditional tense isnt translated as would To express speculation about the past: Just as the future tense can be used to express speculation about the present, the conditional can be used to express speculation or probability about the past. A variety of translations can be used, depending on the context. Despuà ©s de trabajar, tendrà ­an hambre. After working, they probably were hungry. Another possible translation is After working, they must have been hungry. (A would translation is also possible: After working, they would have been hungry.)  ¿Dà ³nde estuvo Jorge? Estarà ­a en casa. Where was George? He must have been at home. Another possible translation is Where was George? I wonder if he was at home. (A would translation is also possible: He would have been at home.) Where the conditional poder is translated as could: This is a variation on the would rule, for poder, which when conjugated can mean can, can also be translated as to be able. When could means the same as would be able, the conditional is usually used. Si tuviera dinero, podrà ­a ir al cine. If I had money, I could go to the movies. (This is a use of the conditional based on a condition. It also could be translated as If I had the money, I would be able to go to the movies.) Podrà ­an salir maà ±ana. They could leave tomorrow. (Here the condition is unstated. The sentence also could be translated as They would be able to leave tomorrow.)  ¿Podrà ­a tener un là ¡piz? Could I have a pencil? (Or, would I be able to have a pencil?) Examples of when would isnt translated as the Spanish conditional When it refers to a past repeated action: In such cases, the imperfect is usually used. This use of would in English is usually understood as used to or as the past tense. Whats different in this instance from cases where would is in the conditional tense is that the activity isnt hypothetical. Cuando era nià ±o, à ­bamos al cine. When I was a boy, we would go to the movies. (This is the same as saying we used to go to the movies or we went to the movies. Going to the movies isnt a hypothetical action.) Mi hijo jugaba con cuidado. My son would play carefully. (This is the same as saying, My son used to play carefully.)

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Biological Approach - 1351 Words

The main assumption of the biological approach is behaviour and experiences can be explained by biological changes in the body. This approach focusses on the investigation of the brain, nervous system and other biological factors such as hormones; whereas the main assumption of the cognitive approach is that information received from our senses is processed by the brain and that this processing influences how we behave or at least justifies how we behave the way we do. Cognitive processes are examples of hypothetical constructs – researchers cannot directly observe processes such as thinking but we can infer what a person is thinking based on how they act (behavioural patterns). Some key researchers in the biological approach are Maguire et. Al (2000) - Navigation-related structural changes in the hippocampi of taxi drivers, and Sperry (1968) - Hemisphere disconnection and unity in consciousness. Some key researchers in the cognitive approach are Loftus and Palmer (1974) - eye witness testimony and Baron-Cohen (1997) – Autism. There are a few similarities between the two approaches, for example the biological approach likes to use variants of laboratory experiments from quasi (natural) to experiments in highly artificial settings. This is done so that the researchers can take advantage of the naturally occurring variables or can change them easily to suit the experiment and control any extraneous or confounding variables, and can therefore easily establish cause and effect.Show MoreRelatedThe Biological And Psychoanalytical Approach1489 Words   |  6 PagesBoth the biological and psychoanalytical approach have had a long history and still stand current today. Assumptions of the biological approach to psychology view men as a biological organism; everything, from what we think to what we do, has its basis in our physical structure (Carlson, 2004). Alternatively, the psychoanalytical approach heavily focuses on the â€Å"unconscious† and the role of internal processes in shaping personality and thus behaviour (Glassman Hadad, 2004). Fathered by Freud, theRead MoreThe Biological Basis Of Personality Approach1747 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will give a description of Personality before critically analysing the biological basis of personality approach. The biological basis approach tries to account for the mechanisms between genes and personality by looking at various different brain structures whilst the biochemical approach looks at the impact of hormones and neurotransmitters. The majority of our understanding of personality from a biological perspective focuses on the three main behavioural systems; the reward system, theRead MorePsychodynamic Vs. Biological Approach1569 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will begin by discussing the main assumptions of the cognitive, psychodynamic and biological approach to psychology. It will look at a study that supports each approach. In addition it will look at how the studies have been influential in psychology today. Finally it wil l include some of the different branches of psychology and why these are relevant to different health professionals. Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology which focuses on the brain and how we think, CognitiveRead MorePsychology : The Behaviourist Approach And The Biological2398 Words   |  10 Pagespsychology are the behaviourist approach and the biological (also known as physiological) approach. These perspectives consist of different theories, research methods and treatments in relation to mental illness. The behaviourist approach believes that people, as well as animals, are controlled by their surrounding environment which has a direct impact upon their behaviour and whether they would suffer from mental illness (McLeod, S. 2007). Whereas the biological approach views genes, chromosomes andRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : The Biological Approach962 Words   |  4 Pagestheories such as the biological approach, and psychoanalysis have helped to show us how are genetics predetermine our behavior. Researchers have found multiple facts that support each side and for years no one has been able to decide which one influences us over the other one. I believe that our nature has a greater impact on us then our nurture especially when it comes to criminal actions. The biological approach states that â€Å"all thoughts, feeling behavior ultimately have a biological cause† (SimplyRead MoreThe Biological Approach : Mental Processes And Behaviors1356 Words   |  6 PagesThe biological approach examines mental processes and behaviors by focusing on genetics and physiology. Psychologists who use the biological approach believe that mental processes and behaviors are caused and explained by activity between the nervous system and the brain. The biological approach is very scientific; therefore, psychologists can perform consistent, measureable experiments to examine how our genes, neuronal activity, and neurotransmitters interact with our environment and how they influenceRead MoreBiological vs Humanistic Approach to Personality1540 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: BIOLOGICAL VS HUMANISTIC APPROACH TO PERSONALITY Biological vs. Humanistic Approach to Personality Lawrence Sawyer University of Phoenix Biological vs. Humanistic Approach to Personality As several styles are used to define the personality, two are often used to subsidize another approach. Both biological and humanistic approaches are typically used as under tones. Evolutionary/genetic perspectives do not generally account for the biological mechanisms between genes and personalityRead MoreBiological, Psychodynamic, Behavioral and Cognitive Approach to Psychology948 Words   |  4 Pagespsychologists. A psychologist may approach this story with a view inside of the perpetrators mind. Was he biologically, psychodynamicly, behaviorally or cognitively provoked to do such a thing? What would make someone do something horrible and violent like that? Each of the psychologists views provide different aspects and alternate explanations for why this offenders actions occurred, sometimes even explanations to the point of understanding the mind of a criminal. A biological psychologist specificallyRead MoreDiscuss the Biological Approach in Psychology Essay example1796 Words   |  8 PagesDiscuss the biological approach in psychology. Refer to at least one other approach in your answer. (12 marks) The biological approach focuses on both the physiological and evolutionary aspects which explain human behaviour. The causal level of analysis incorporates physiological explanations, such as the effect of nerves and hormones on behaviour. According to biological psychologists, behaviour is controlled by the nervous system, which consists of the central nervous system (the brain and theRead MoreBiological Psychology : The Brain And Nervous System Essay888 Words   |  4 Pages1. Biological psychology, of biopsychology, is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes in terms of bodily mechanisms. The view that psychological processes have biological (or physiological) correlates, is the basic assumption of the whole field of biological psychology. Biological psychology is a hopeful domain, one that has much to offer in terms of improving the quality of life of the healthy as well as those suffering from disorders. It also contributed important

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blindness of Prejudice †to Kill a Mockingbird Free Essays

Everyone forms first impressions about others, but to act upon these early impressions as definite conclusions about other people’s characters is the beginning of the unfavorable trait of prejudice. In Harper Lee’s story, To Kill a Mockingbird, a young girl, Scout grows up in the small, southern town of Maycomb, Alabama, where prejudice is heavy. Being a secluded community, rumors fly around rapidly in Maycomb, creating warped and exaggerated stories of the targets of the gossip. We will write a custom essay sample on Blindness of Prejudice – to Kill a Mockingbird or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harper Lee demonstrates through the causes and sources of the discrimination that prejudice is derived from appearances as well as influences from other people. Harper Lee uses Jem’s prejudice toward his neighbor, Boo Radley to illustrate that discrimination branches off of other people’s opinions. Scout discovers two pieces of chewing gum in an oak tree on the Radley lot one day, while coming home from school. When her brother, Jem realizes where she obtained her prize, he screams, â€Å"Don’t you know you’re not supposed to even touch the trees over there? You’ll get killed if you do! † (45). Jem’s prejudice toward Boo is based on the rumors, stories, and opinions he has heard from other citizens of Maycomb. Despite the fact that he has never seen, let alone met, their reclusive neighbor, Jem still speaks badly of Boo. He discriminates against Boo because of what he has heard, rather than what he has experienced personally. In addition, Harper Lee reveals through the white jury’s discrimination toward Tom Robinson, a poor, crippled black man, that appearances are a major factor contributing toward prejudice. While sitting in the courtroom, during Tom Robinson’s trial, Scout observes the jury and realizes that â€Å"All [Mr. Ewell] had that made him better than his nearest neighbors was†¦ his skin was white† (229). Race and skin color are huge contributors to prejudice in Maycomb. Black people are considered to be of lesser value than white people. Despite the fact that the Ewells live under terrible conditions and have no manners or morals, they still manage to receive much more respect than any black person would warrant. Similarly, Lee demonstrates racism based on first impressions through Lula’s ignorant ideas of Jem and Scout. Calpurnia, their black maid, decides to bring Jem and Scout to the black church one day, where they are met by Lula, a black woman, who angrily declares, â€Å"You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here – they got their church, we got our’n† (158). Lula’s views of white people are similar to the views white people have of black people. She is discriminating against Jem and Scout due to their appearances and skin color. Her ignorance creates a rift right away between her and the two children before she allows herself to know them better personally. By emphasizing the reasoning of those who are prejudiced toward others, Harper Lee ultimately reveals that prejudice is motivated by not only appearances but also opinions absorbed from other people. Throughout the novel, there was not a single circumstance where a person discriminated against another because of what they had seen or experienced. All cases of injustice were derived from at least one of many things: first impressions, physical features, rumors, etc. Lee’s morals leave a lasting impact on the readers. Prejudice will only end when people stop themselves from acting upon their pre-formed ideas of others. How to cite Blindness of Prejudice – to Kill a Mockingbird, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Its a Wonderful life Essay Example For Students

Its a Wonderful life Essay Its a Wonderful Life Picture a young child full of life and happiness. The love of his parents shows through his eyes, smile, and tears. Some people would like to think that those things about a child are exactly what make life wonderful. People who think that way have no idea how right they are. Its a wonderful life to know that your parents dreams live on in you. The dream of a mother; that her son will be a doctor. The dream of a father; that his son will some day become a major league baseball player. Most of all when its all said and done, that a child can say as a man, Its a Wonderful Life. Its a Wonderful Life are true stories about events that took place in my life that will be with me forever. I can remember when I was a little boy, I played my first game of baseball. My grandfather practiced with me the whole week before the game. Catching and throwing that baseball seemed like a basketball in my little hands. My grandfather showed me how to place my feet in the batters box and how to bat. From that day on, I was in love with the game of baseball. Now that I look back I wonder what meant more to me, catching that baseball or the fact that my grandfather taught me the game. As I grew older and more mature I learned a lot about my grandfather. I was told stories about his life and what a great ballplayer he was. He could have gone pro, but he didnt have the support of his parents. Instead he went ahead and joined the army. It would kill most men to come that close to their dreams, but if you ask him it was a wonderful life. I was now a teenager at the age of sixteen, and it was time to get my drivers license. This was a day that every parent dreads, and my mom was one of them. I can remember asking my mother for the car keys so that I could take my road test. I detected a small smile under her rolling eyes and stone hard frown. My mom understood how she felt when she got her license. It meant freedom and responsibility for someone she raised from a baby . I can still remember mom saying, You damn kids grow up too fast as a single tear rolled down her face. That night I didnt even leave the house. My mother and I talked for hours about how it was when she was young. It was an enjoyable evening just talking to her. It was a wonderful life. Graduation day from high school never comes soon enough, so we think. Until the day is over then we wish half our lives we could get back to that time. It was the sixth of June 1996, graduation day. I never felt so happy to have a piece of paper in my hand. That paper was worth four years of my life. It symbolized my stressful days at school. It meant four years of baseball, football, and wrestling. The years of my life that were hard to endure, but so easy to look back on. These were the days that tested my knowledge and spirit. These are the people and places that will live in my memory forever. There was a place called Tanner Park. This was the place everyone went to get away from it all. People showed off their cars and threw around the old football. The girls there wouldnt give me the time of day, but yet I still managed to have fun. I remember the all night parties that seemed to never end. Although these four years of my life were during my childhood, they helped make it a wonderful life. My life is not over. The life I live is far from over. I dont regret any of the things that Ive said or done because they are what make up my life. 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