Sunday, March 17, 2019
Jesus & Buddha :: essays research papers
Jesus & BuddhaDisciple? I have heard that you are devil of the wisest men in the land and so Ihave watch to you in hopes of advise. I am scared for my emerging and for thefuture of my neonate daughter. Can you tell me what is in store for us or overhaul me an assurance me that we leave be all told right? Jesus Do non worry almost your life. Do not worry about food, drink, the body. Life is more thanthese things. Believe in your heavenly Father. He agnizes what you quest and willprovide you with it if you practice and have faith in his teachings. endeavour forthe kingdom of idol and his righteousness and all these things will be devoted toyou as well. Buddha No. Comfort in the present and future moldiness come frominside the self , not from a God. In meditation you will find the uprightness oflife that will set you forgo from worry.Dont chase after the past,Dont seek the futureThe past is goneThe future hasnt comeBut see clearly on the spotThat target area which is no w,While finding and living inA still, unmoving tell apart of mind.This focus on the present is the beginning of the path to enlightenmentwhich is rest finished soul. When you are able to keep yourmind focused on the present in a still, unmoving state of mind you havereached enlightenment, where you will be beyond all emotion includingsuffering and worry.Jesus That is not so. A search for the entire true of life can never make youcontent in your life because you can never know everything there is. Thatis for God alone to know. To enter the kingdom of heaven you must(prenominal) havefaith in our Father. You must trust in His cognition even in hard times.For to know all and understand all you would be a god. And puttingyourself on a platform with God is disrespectful and blasphemous. But if youfollow His laws your suffering will end in the hereafter.Buddha Truth is available to all people not just gods. For truth is in allthings in the universe. We only have to learn not to react with emotion tosee it. If you can master not reacting through meditation you will see thetrue nature of the universe that lies lav the illusion of emotion. In thistruth you will see the cause and exertion relationship of all things andin that an order which will bring you understanding and comfort.
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